Monday, November 10, 2008

Episode 4 - New look, same old Mario

Thanks for watching, make sure you leave your top 3 in the comments. I had a couple wobbly pops in me by the time I filmed so please excuse the slurring. Thanks for watching!


Sheldon Kennedy Information


  1. You finally drank that beer you were holding for the last 3 episodes!!!! Keep up the good work and bring back the damn beer!!!!!!

  2. From SurfCityJay

    Nice job showing the cards...

    Keep up the good work...

  3. Killer upgrades to the show... yer boys played pretty well on Sat., and mine did not.

    That Pat Jablonski (sp?) card cracked me up... like he's just watching the puck hop between his legs.

  4. Justin, it's a beauty. Great graphics with the cards, it's cool to see the old pictures. Nice bucket Mario!

  5. Come on now Kendrick...did you spend all of your budget on the "set" upgrades and now can't afford pants that are not ripped? What a shitty pack of cards...I would have rated Richer in the top 3. Good show buddy!

  6. whooo, best episode yet! the pack may have sucked but the video is kick ass. I may be getting more into Hockey now!

  7. Good to see the new "set" is a hit, now I just have to start looking better.


  8. Hey nice changes....keep it up!!!

    Jeff ~ SoCalinMotion

  9. New look is good. Need to have beer! What about the Mrs. doin a little "Vanna White" with the cards? Just a thought...
